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Skin Tightening

Skin Tightening treatments produce amazing results without the need for surgery of injections. The cool tip of the hand piece protects the skin's surface and allows a comfortable temperature while the water content of the dermis is heated. This then allows for the natural reaction that results in both the contraction and renewal of collagen. In return that provides a base of firmer, smoother skin. Infrared skin tightning technology uses electrical currents on the muscle, which is a perfect combination that results in tighter, firmer skin.
*4-6 Treatments are recommended to see the best results.
The Soprano XL Skin Tightening Treatments at our spa help treat lax, saggy skin to the arms, stomach, buttocks, legs, back, face and neck. Stimulating long term collagen growth without without recovery time or surgery. Making this one of the most cost effective non-surgical skin tightening procedures

Our Price

Skin Tightening (30 min)                                                                                                                                            $150


  • No Acutane for 6 months prior to treatment
  • Do not tan areas to be treated for at least 4 weeks prior to treatment date.
  • Treatment areas should be free of perfume, makeup and lotions.
  • Please note all lotions, medications, or creams used on the client form provided at your initial appointment.
  • A cold compress and skin care products such as Aloe is recommended to help reduce any swelling or discomfort.
  • Over the counter pain or anti-inflammatory medication may be used.
  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning cream during the entire course of treatment. Also use SPF30 or higher on the treatment areas at all times.
  • DO NOT scrub or exfoliate the treated areas. Do not use hot tubs, whirlpools or hot baths for the first 48hrs and avoid excessive sweating for the first 24-48 hours.
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